Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day before Surgery

Well. Tomorrow is the day that we have all been waiting for. I booked a hotel room for tonight in Galveston. My sister-in-law is taking me down there and staying with me. I go into surgery tomorrow morning at 8:30am. Procedure should not take very long, maybe a hour at the most. I have not been able to sleep well at all this week :( Maybe after tomorrow that will change once it is over with. I said a big prayer to God, asking him to watch over me thru all this. My family and friends have been very supportive as well. I really appreciate that alot. I will be in bed for the next 3 days after my surgery, to prevent internal bleeding. So, i will not put any updates in here until I am back at work on Monday, hopefully. After this surgery, I wil go back in two weeks to make sure everything is ok, then 3 months to see if the cancer has grown back. So cross your fingers when it comes to my 3 month appt. I am very tired and stressed out right now, as I said before, I am feeling very overwhelmed. BUT I know that everything is in the lords hands and it will be okay! :) Hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend. I will try to send a group text to everyone once I get back home and get comfortable. Keep me in your prayers that is all that I am asking. I am praying for a fast and easy recovery so that I can get back to my normal life. Until next Monday.......

1 comment:

  1. Hey sis.. how ya holding up? checking in on ya. Glad surgery went well. I can honestly say I feel what you are going through. Hang in there! We are praying for you. I love your pictures you have posted. they are awesome! What great memories. Keep living and make every moment count. God bless. :-)
