Thursday, September 16, 2010

I am new to this blog stuff so, be patient with me as I learn it!

I guess I will start out by saying that back in July of this year (2010). I was diagnosed with stage 2 cervical cancer. I have been dealing with Doctors, Insurance Companys, Surgeons, and Pissy Nurses! I had a friend of mine that has been fighting cancer herself, start this blog for me because it is very overwhelming trying to keep all my family and friends up-to-date on whats going on. The reason being is that you get tired of telling diffrent people the same thing over and over again. So...:)....this blog is designed to keep my friends and family up-to-date on how I am doing, whats going on with my cancer, yada yada. I just found out on Monday that my Laser Surgery date was changed from 11/3/10 to 09/23/10 because my cancer is growing rapidly. So I am pretty nervous about my surgery next week, but I am ready to get it behind me. At this time, I do not have to take Chemo or Radiation. So I am ready for next Thursday! I will post on my blog daily for you to check out! I love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Thumper, blog looking good. Easier said than done but you hang in there, be strong when you want to be strong and cry when you want to cry.. don't try to hold in. Fortunately for you, you live life to the fullest every day, don't change a thing. I BELIEVE that a positive attitude beats cancer and YOU will beat cancer. I love you and am here for you. God Bless. Debbie Sallee
