Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday After My Surgery

Well. Good morning! I am at work this morning. The last few days have been pretty rough! I had my surgery Thursday, everything went well. I am still hurtin pretty bad in my lower stomach, but that is normal. I have to go back October 29th, that is for them to see if the Cancer is all gone after the procedure they did. I have a long wait until then. I am getting around well, as far as walking. Ben had a hard time trying to keep me in bad for the last 72 hours! I colored in Julianna's coloring books, watched more TV in the last 72 hours than I have my whole life, didn't sleep much because of the pain and my little brain going 90 to nothing.I have slept probably 12 hours total since my surgery. I get to finally see Julianna today, she has been away with Family since my surgery and I miss her! Just wanted to update everyone on whats happening. Going to the Dr. today to get some medicines and for them to make sure everything is healing right. Thank you all for the support. Emails, texts, phone calls, letters. It makes it alot easier on me knowing that I have good people like you all, at my side supporting me thru all of this!

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